Monday, October 7, 2024

Day 22, Faringdon to the Amicii kennels!

Well, after an absolutely brilliant night's sleep at The Old Crown Coaching Inn in Faringdon (probably one of the most comfortable beds I've ever slept in) and a proper breakfast (none of your pinchos or croissants here), I set off about 10am on the final leg (on my final legs).
It was fairly flat and fast across the Thames valley and I made pretty good time, although I very nearly got distracted by a tractor parts sale, but I can't have been paying attention to the route planning, as I had a fairly long stretch along the A361 and another on the A40, neither of which were very pleasant. 
After Burford I cut across to Bourton on the water, which was as busy as it always is, then I headed off up the long hill towards the north side of the Cotswolds. I had a wonderful surprise when I arrived at the top, as there was my work colleague Stephen, waiting with his family to cheer me on and, more importantly, they had donuts!
There followed the long drag across the Cotswolds, before the well deserved drop downhill in to Broadway. I had to stop for food in Broadway, as I was running low on energy.
Then it was another unpleasant blast along the A44 in to Evesham and finally there was an unpleasant surprise in the form of a couple of steep hills after Lenchwick and Church Lench, a final sting in the tail!
After that, it was a short run to the Amicii Dog Rescue and Rehabilitation UK kennels, where a reception committee was waiting with coffee and cakes!

So, after over 1,700 miles and three weeks this adventure is over, and what an adventure it's been. Last year's trip (apart from the food poisoning) was a breeze in comparison. There was more than one occasion where I was ready to throw in the towel. The day to Seville in the heat and at least one time riding up the west coast of France in the pouring rain. Everyone's comments spurred me on though, and the generosity of all of you that have donated to the cause. The Amicii Dog Rescue Romania team and the team here in the UK work so hard in often not the best conditions to help all the dogs and without your funding none of this would happen. 
Once again, thank you for all your support and no, I won't be doing this again!
Special thanks is reserved to my wife, Jill, without her support none of this would be possible. 

Sorry, I didn't take any photos today, but here's a photo of my Amicii Dog, Stella.


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