Monday, September 30, 2024

Day 17, Parthenay to Saumur, 68 miles.

 Not far enough really, must try harder tomorrow. Which could be tricky - weather forecast is for rain all day tomorrow 😒 
Today didn't look to hard on paper, but it seems like lots of things were conspiring against good progress. Firstly the rain; one minute it was raining, the next it wasn't. Then it was again, then it wasn't. I lost count of the number of times I put my rain cape on and took it off. Then there was a fairly brisk wind, not a headwind, but the way the route wound to and fro sometimes it was, sometimes it wasn't.
The road also left a lot to be desired at times. Ironically most of the unpaved parts were nicer to ride than the paved parts. The part from Thouars to Saumur was particularly bad. I couldn't ride quickly because it was so bumpy.
Finally there were the road blocks. None of them took me that far out of the way, but the one in Thouars was somewhat annoying, because instead of putting the sign at the top of the steep hill, they put it half way down, meaning I had to ride (OK, walk) back up again. 
Anyway, enough complaining, the plus side was that the scenery today was lovely. Most of the day was spent riding down the river Thouet, a tributary of the Loire. There were many pretty lakes and weirs, and the fields of sunflowers in different stages of their death throes and fields of maize were interspersed with pretty little villages, all with their impressive churches and even the occasional chateau.
I didn't stop a lot today, mainly because I was constantly stopping to put my rain cape on, but I did manage a baguette in a place called Airvault, where I was served by an attractive young lady who didn't have any teeth. She did speak good English though.
Let's hope tomorrow goes better, despite the rain. At least if it's raining all day I'll know where I stand. 

Amicii Dog Rescue and Rehabilitation UK 
Amicii Dog Rescue Romania

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