Thursday, October 3, 2024

Day 20, Domfront to Ouistreham, 72 miles.

I probably should have stayed in bed earlier, or had a more leisurely breakfast, because despite riding as slowly as possible, I've still arrived at least five hours too early. I blame the French cycling routes, they're just too good.
I left Domfront at 8.20 and almost immediately headed out on about 15 miles of old railway. When that ended, it was a bit up and down for a while before I hit the Voie Verte Normandie Suisse, which took me all the way to Caen. Passing through Caen was also very efficient due to the well designed cycleway, then there was another traffic free ride all the way to Ouistreham. 
I must admit, it was a bit nippy in Normandie Suisse, because it was cloudy and there was a sharp north wind. I stopped at Le Caillou - Restaurant et Café in, well in the middle of nowhere, but it was just in the right place for me. Nice cup of hot chocolate and a cookie and I thought "that'll tide me over until lunchtime". Now lunchtime should have happened at Thury-Harcourt, but the cafe by the side of the Voie Verte was closed. For lunch. Whoever heard of a cafe that closed for lunch? Only in France. 
Anyway, I just carried on to Caen, which wasn't much better by this time, unless I was prepared to divert to the centre. Salvation came in the form of a German supermarket. 
From there it was just a slow ride along the Caen canal to Ouistreham, and now I must wait...

Amicii Dog Rescue and Rehabilitation UK 
Amicii Dog Rescue Romania

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